Cementir Holding
Online Transactions
Who We Are
Çimentaş is among the biggest cement producers in Turkey, which is the gateway to the world from İzmir with its partnerships and companies it owns.
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About Us
Our Vision, Mission and Values
Plants and Subsidiaries
Product and Services
While working in harmony as a cement, ready mixed concrete, and aggregate supplier, we understand the needs of the construction industry from the most appropriate quality perspective and make the most accurate supply.
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We are Customer Oriented
Our Customer Oriented Special Products
Cement Production
Çimentaş Group is aware that it has to deal with the fact that the world has limited resources and therefore a sustainable approach is required in order to be profitable and sustainable in the industry.
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Our Sustainability Strategy and Goals
Our Commitment to the Environment
Health and Safety
Our Commitment to Local Community
Management Systems
Quality, Environmental, Energy, Occupational Health and Safety Policy
Management Systems Certificates
Cementir Holding Code of Ethics
Supplier Business Conduct
Human Resources
Our organizational culture is based on five Group Values that inspire all our actions: Dynamism, Quality, Value of People, Diversity and Inclusion, Sustainability
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Working at Çimentaş
Our Human Resources Practices
Talent Management and Succession Plan
Performance Management and Development Activities
Our Remuneration Policy
Working Environment
Investor Relations
Investor Relations
Çimentaş is a Group that believes that the pursuit of quality is the key to success in every business process, is dynamic in the market and constantly looking for new opportunities, and attaches importance to contributing to its employees, shareholders and communities in the regions where it operates.
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Corporate Management
Trade Registry Information
Articles of Association
Board of Directors
Shareholder Structure
Annual Reports
Public Disclosures
Information Society Services
You can access our press releases and our news in the media from this section and get more detailed information about us.
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Online İşlemler
Management Systems
Quality, Environmental, Energy, Occupational Health and Safety Policy
Quality, Environmental, Energy, Occupational Health and Safety Policy
Continuous Development:
To comply with the terms of our Quality, Plant Production Control, Environmental, Energy, Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems and continuously improve the effectiveness and performance thereof.
Compliance with Laws and Other Conditions:
To fulfil our legal obligations related to environment, energy use, consumption and efficiency, occupational health, and safety in effect; to comply with any other conditions including sectoral obligations and product standards; to contribute to the works for the improvement and development of legal conditions.
Customer Satisfaction:
Take customer satisfaction as a basis in all our operations and identify customer requirements and expectations; accordingly, to work in order to give more.
Risks and Accidents:
To identify, study, reduce any and all risks related to quality, environment, occupational health, and safety and carry out any activities required for the prevention of accidents. To prevent our employees from getting injured and deteriorating their health due to their work.
Control of Environmental, Occupational Health and Safety Activities:
To systematically reduce dust, gas emission, waste and noise level which may occur as a result of our operations and ensure the continuity.
Respect for Environment in the Use of Natural Resources:
To prevent unnecessary use of natural resources; to reduce waste at origin; carry out studies in order to increase the recycling and recovery of waste. To use proper disposal techniques for wastes, thus ensuring the prevention of contamination and protection of the environment. To carry out rehabilitation works after quarry operations.
Training and Consciousness-Raising:
To carry on all our works of training and consciousness-raising as required for our Quality, Plant Production Control, Environmental, Energy, Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems to be a permanent part of our culture.
To support any activities intended for the enhancement of environmental sensitivity of our employees, contractors, suppliers, and the society.
Follow-up of Technology:
To continuously follow up new technologies and technological developments. To make designs for the improvement of energy performance and supply any necessary resources.
Participation by Everybody:
To have open communication with third parties, our shareholders, employees, customers, and other stakeholders on any issues concerning quality, plant production control, environment, energy, occupational health and safety. To cooperate with any competent authorities, relevant local administrative authorities, individuals, associations, public organisations, and institutions on any issues concerning the operations of the company.
Compatibility with Suppliers:
To select such contractors and suppliers whose environmental impacts are minimal and who satisfy our expectations related to the improvement of our energy performance in our existing processes and in our new investments; to ensure their compatibility with our Quality, Plant Production Control, Environmental, Energy, Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems in their practices; to work in cooperation with them in the supply of materials and services complying with our management systems.
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